
How to Update Your Kitchen Decor

  A simple tweak to your kitchen decor can create a huge impact. Consider painting the walls or adding a focal point. Or, if you're renting a home, why not add some visual interest with wallpaper? It won't take up floor space and will create visual interest without overpowering the space. Simple tweaks to kitchen decor When it comes to updating your kitchen decor, there are several simple tweaks you can make. You can change the color, add a new light fixture, and install new shelves. You can also use a large mirror to reflect existing light sources. Counter space and the sink are important focal points, and simple tweaks like these can make them look more appealing. Adding a focal point A focal point is an important design detail that can draw attention to the kitchen. It may be an object or a decorative piece, such as a fan-shaped display of plates, rustic jars filled with sauces, or a framed painting with a food theme. Regardless of what it is, a kitchen centerpiece should b
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